Examination Committee


Vision :

The visions of the examination committee are:

  • To keep providing qualitative and reliable educational assessment
  • To keep encouraging students in getting academic excellence


To frame procedures and rules in order to maintain good quality & reasonable standards in the assessment.

  • To ensure that students participate in the assessment process enthusiastically.
  • To evaluate that the ultimate objectives of the courses have been achieved


To encourage and train the students to follow the examination code of conduct and disciplinary rules, discourage & prevent aberrant behavior to ensure discipline & sanctity of the examination system.


Primary Functions of Examination Cell

  • The College Academic Calendar indicates the tentative examination schedule for internal examination. Exact schedules are fixed by the academic council according to the university academic calendar and are conveyed to the staff and students through circulars.
  • For each subject, the respective faculty member prepares a question paper on the basis of the curriculum. Questions are formed such that they adhere to Thiruvalluvar University standards and follow Bloom’s Taxonomy. The Question Paper Scrutiny Committee is formed comprising of the Head of the Department and two senior faculties as scrutinizers to check for the quality of the question paper.
  • The next process involves sending the soft copies of the scrutinized question papers to the examination cell three days prior to the commencement of the examination. The examination cell arranges for sufficient number of question paper copies before the examination.
  • A schedule for invigilation duty is prepared by the Exam Cell. The assigned faculty should perform the invigilation duty as per the norms and schedule.
  • After exams, papers are collected by the invigilators and handed over to the Exam Cell along with attendance report. Exam Cell hands over the answer sheets to the corresponding department through Examination Co-ordinators within one day.
  • Hall arrangements and seating arrangements are prepared by the Exam Cell. The retest, if required will be conducted by the department.
  • In the beginning of each semester examination cell prepare the stationary requirements like papers, gadgets, tonners etc. and forward this to the administration wing. All the items are provided after the approvals from higher authorities.

End Semester Examination Rules

  • The end semester examination is conducted by the CoE for all courses. The theory examinations will normally be of three hours duration.
  • CoE will publish the detailed timetable for end semester examinations. Based on this schedule and invigilation duty will be prepared.
  • The assigned faculty member should perform the invigilation duty as per the schedule.
  • Room / hall wise seating plan for candidates are prepared and displayed at a prominent place in the notice board of the College.
  • The examination hall is opened before 30 minutes of the examination. The students are instructed to occupy their seats before 15 minutes of commencement of the examination.
  • Ensure that the invigilators for each room collects the question paper and answer booklets 15 minutes before the commencement of examination and then they proceed to the examination room.
  • Mobile phones, programmable calculators and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed in the examination room even if they are switched off. If any student brings in such materials to the examination room, they have to be taken into safe custody by the invigilator and Deposited to the Chief Superintendent at the earliest
  • Allow only hall-ticket, pen, pencil, eraser and ordinary calculator in the examination room. Hand bags should not be permitted inside the examination rooms.
  • A candidate shall not be allowed to write the examinations, if he / she do not have a valid hall-ticket. However, if a student reports that his/her hall-ticket is lost, the Chief Superintendent / HOD, after receiving a written request from him/her along with required fees, shall forward it to the CoE for issuing a duplicate hall ticket.
  • This can be allowed only if his/ her name is included in the nominal roll issued by the College
  • Distribute the question paper at the three strokes of the bell and ask the candidates to start writing.

Examination Rules

  • A candidate should neither possess / refer any forbidden material in any form nor should seek/obtain assistance in any form from any person / source towards answering the questions during the examinations. He/she should not assist other candidates in any form towards answering the questions during the examinations. The candidate should maintain discipline and decorum during the examinations.
  • See that strict silence is maintained in the examination hall. Talking amongst candidates, borrowing of materials etc. should be strictly forbidden
  • Ten minutes before the closing of examination, along with the warning bell, announce ‘last ten minutes’ and do not allow any candidate to leave the room. After the last bell ask the candidates to stop writing and put their pens down
  • Collect the answer booklets and hand over the same with attendance list and unused answer books to the examination cell. Invigilators shall leave the examination premises after reporting to the Chief Superintendent.
  • Candidates shall be allowed to leave the examination hall only after 30 minutes of commencement of the examination.
  • Violation of the above rules in any form during the examinations will attract punishment as per the University guidelines.


A Question Paper Scrutiny Committee is constituted to avoid errors in the question papers. The Committee consists of senior staff from other colleges / Heads of the Department / Board Chairman or in their absence, any senior staff of the departments concerned. Two sets of question papers are given to the Scrutiny Committee. They need to certify that the question paper may be accepted or rejected, pointing out the defects or errors immediately after the scrutiny.

  • Outside subject experts, HOD & senior faculty.
  • Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is followed as per TANSCHE norms.
  • Outcome Based Education (OBE) system is followed as per UGC norms for all the UG & PG courses from the academic year 2024-2025.


  1. To check whether every question paper has covered the questions from each unit as per the norms.
  2. To check the higher-order thinking level of questions as per Bloom's Taxonomy.
  3. To check the spelling and errors, if any.
  4. Scrutiny Committee approves the question papers.
  5. The Scrutiny Committee takes utmost care in scrutinizing the Question Paper, ensuring zero defects. If an unnoticed defective question paper is given to students, the person who scrutinized the Question paper shall be responsible.
  6. The Committee shall adhere to the timings specified by Examination Cell to scrutinize Question Papers.
  7. The Scrutiny Committee members shall maintain utmost secrecy.

Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy

Action Verbs for Setting Question Paper:

Knowledge Level Action Verb
Remember K1 Choose,Define,Find,Label,List,Match,Name,Recall,Relate,Select,Show,Spell, Tell,What,When,Where,Which,Who,Why,Fix,Singleout,Mark,numerate,etc.,
Understand K2 Choose,Define,Find,Label,List,Match,Name,Recall,Relate,Select,Show,Spell, Tell,What,When,Where,Which,Who,Why,Fix,Singleout,Mark,numerate,etc.,
Apply K3 Apply,Experimentwith,Identify,Interview,Makeuseof,Model,Organize, Plan,Select,Solve,Utilize,Compute,Categorize,Classify,Sort,Notice,etc.,
Analyze K4 Analyze, Assume, Compare, Contrast, Discover, Dissect, Distinguish, Divide,Examine,Function,Inference,Inspect,List,Motive,How,Sequence, Diagnose, Decipher, Infer, Explicate, etc.,
Evaluate K5 Agree, Appraise, Assess, Award, Conclude, Criteria, Criticize, Decide, Deduct, Defend, Determine, Disprove, Estimate, Evaluate, Importance, Influence, Interpret, Judge, Justify, Measure, Prove, Rate, Recommend, Value, Prove, Validate, Verify, Discover, Scrutinize, Support, Reveal, Substantiate, Deduce,Inspect,Probe,Survey,Test,Portray,Sketch,Delineate,Elucidate,etc.,
Create K6 Adapt, Build, Change, Combine, Compile, Compose, Construct, Create, Delete, Design, Develop, Discuss, Elaborate, Formulate, Happen, Imagine, Improve, Invent, Make up, Maximize, Minimize, Modify, Predict, Solution, Establish,Redraft,Evolve,Promote,Devise,Conceive,Visualize,Improvise,Extemporize,Fabricateetc.,


Section Bloom Level Questions Marks Number of Questions to be asked
A K1,K2,K3 1to10 (Answer all the questions) 20 Minimum 2 questions are to be asked from each of the five units
B K3/K4/K5 10 to15 (either or type) 25 Minimum 2 questions are to be asked from each of the five units
C K3/K4/K5/K6 16 to 20 (Answer Any Three) 30 1 question from each of the five units

Question Paper Pattern:

SECTION–A (10X2=20 Marks) Answer All Questions

Question No. Course Unit K–Level(K1–K6) Course Outcome (CO1-CO5)
1 I K1/K2/K3 CO1
2 I K1/K2/K3 CO1
3 II K1/K2/K3 CO2
4 II K1/K2/K3 CO2
5 III K1/K2/K3 CO3
6 III K1/K2/K3 CO3
7 IV K1/K2/K3 CO4
8 IV K1/K2/K3 CO4
9 V K1/K2/K3 CO5
10 V K1/K2/K3 CO5

Question Paper Pattern:

SECTION–B (5X5=25 Marks) Answer All Questions

Question No. Course Unit K–Level(K1–K6) Course Outcome (CO1-CO5)
11(a) or (b) I K3/K4/K5 CO1
12(a) or (b) II K3/K4/K5 CO2
13(a) or (b) III K3/K4/K5 CO3
14(a) or (b) IV K3/K4/K5 CO4
15(a) or (b) V K3/K4/K5 CO5

Question Paper Pattern:

SECTION–C (3X10=30 Marks) Answer Any Three Questions

Question No. Course Unit K–Level(K1–K6) Course Outcome (CO1-CO5)
16 I K3/K4/K5/K6 CO1
17 II K3/K4/K5/K6 CO2
18 III K3/K4/K5/K6 CO3
19 IV K3/K4/K5/K6 CO4
20 V K3/K4/K5/K6 CO5

Knowledge Level as per Bloom Taxonomy

K1–Remember, K2–Understand, K3-Apply, K4–Analyze, K5-Evaluate, K6-Create


Scrutinized question papers shall be typed & printed, and the copies taken to the office of the COE.

They should be sealed and kept in the Strong Room under the direct custody of the COE.

The sealed question papers will be handed over to the Chief Superintendent on the previous day to conduct examinations. On the day of Examination, Forty-Five Minutes, before the commencement of Examinations, the Chief Superintendent opens the sealed question paper packets. At the end of each Examination Session, the collected answer scripts shall be packed and sealed immediately and handed over to the COE's custody.


The Semester examinations are conducted at the end of the semester after the publication of the CIA marks. Centralized evaluation is conducted for UG and PG Semester Examination scripts. The passing minimum for UG is 40% and PG is 50%.

  1. A student should register herself/himself to appear for the Semester Examinations by payment of the prescribed fee.
  2. For major and allied papers, the Semester Examination will be of 3 hours with a maximum of 75 marks.
  3. The Semester Examinations will be in the form of a comprehensive examination covering the entire syllabus in each course. It will be of 3 hours duration, irrespective of the number of credits allotted to it. The maximum marks for each course shall be 100.
CIA Portion After Marks Time
I 2 Units 45th working day 75 3hrs
II 5 Units 85th working day 75 3hrs
ESE Portion After Marks Time
I All five Units 90th working day 75 3hrs


An attendance criterion is laid down for students to appear for End Semester Examination. The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  1. 75% of the attendance in the current semester is mandatory to appear for the End Semester Examinations.
  2. Candidates who secure 65% to 75% of the attendance are not eligible to appear for the current semester examinations. However, the Principal of the college may condone the lack of attendance for students with genuine reasons and permit them to write the End Semester Examinations, after the payment of condonation fee:- Medical grounds, Major calamity, Accident and Health issues which demands a long rest. The reason of absence for a long period should be intimated to the Principal within a week’s time to get the leave sanctioned.
  3. Candidates who secure attendance between 50% and 64% are not eligible to appear for the current semester examinations. However, they can write it as arrear subjects, if any, and is permitted to continue, if they have attained overall attendance of 75% or more by taking the average of the attendance acquired in the current and the previous semester. These candidates are eligible to write the previous semester subjects along with the current semester subjects. Otherwise, they will not be permitted to appear for both the previous semester and current semester courses and they have to redo the Course from the previous semester in the following academic year, if vacancy is available, after obtaining the approval from the University, Principal and the Head of the Department concerned.
  4. Candidates who earn attendance below 50% are not eligible to write the examination in the current semester subjects and also have to discontinue the Course and re-join in the same semester in the next academic year, if vacancy is available, with proper approval from the University, Principal and the Head of the Department concerned. These candidates are eligible to write arrear subjects, if any.


  1. Student should bring the ID Card and Hall Ticket for Examinations. No Student will be allowed to enter the examination Hall, half an hour after the commencement of the examination.
  2. No student can receive the Question paper before taking his or her assigned seat in the hall or room.
  3. Students are prohibited material bringing / carrying into the Examination Hall, any book, cell phone, Smart watch or portion of a book, manuscript or any matter of description. Any communication with another attracts to severe punishment.
  4. No paper other than the question paper should be taken out of the Examination Hall.
  5. Students indulging in malpractice will be dealt with as per the directives of the College, Thiruvalluvar University and State Government.
  6. The Fees once paid will not be refunded or carried over to the subsequent examinations.
  7. After paying the college fees only Students can pay their exam fees and get their hall ticket.


The facility of Scribe students such as Reader/ Lab Assistant may be allowed to any Students who has disability of 40% of more if so desired by such student shall be seated in separate rooms. Such candidates may be allowed compensatory time of one hour for examination of three hours duration.


Malpractice of any form / kind during End Semester Examinations is strictly prohibited and severely dealt with. Copying inside the examination hall is strictly prohibited and students are expected to maintain strict silence in the examination hall.

Candidates found copying using mobile phones / electronic gadgets / other incriminating materials owned / written on hand / in other forms or borrowed in the form of printed / Xeroxed / cyclostyled / handwritten / written on paper / hall tickets / cloth / scale / furniture / answer book of another candidate / or in another mode etc. will be considered as examination malpractice.

Anyone found involved in malpractice will also be punished in accordance with the decision taken by the Adhoc committee constituted for this purpose. All matters pertaining to examination malpractice which is of any form / kind will be placed before the Examination Disciplinary Action Committee (EDAC) for enquiry and the decision of the committee shall be final.

Committee comprises of the following members:

S. No Particulars of members Position
1 Dr.C.Dhandapani, Principal Chairman
2 Dr. D.Manikandan, Dean – Student Affairs / Academic Affairs Member
3 Ms. P.Anjugam, Controller of Examinations Ex-Officio Member
4 Ms. S.Karthigaidevi, Senior Faculty Nominated by Principal Member
5 Respective HoD of the Student Concerned Member

If the candidate found guilty he/she will be debarred from writing that particular paper in that semester or all the papers in that semester based on the nature of malpractice. He / She will be awarded a Zero and the same will be indicated against the title of the respective course in the statement of marks as Zero (0).

If any candidate reported to have committed malpractice for a second time, the EDAC will enhance the punishment suitably. Examination Disciplinary Action Committee has every right in taking appropriate actions and is not intended to apply mechanically to cover every conceivable case. However, the decision taken by the Examination Disciplinary Action Committee shall be final and binding.


The following are the guidelines for Revaluation of valued Answer Script of UG and PG Degree Courses:

  • Revaluation of Answer Script shall be permitted for Theory Courses only.
  • Student shall apply within 7 days for direct revaluation from the date of publication of results.
  • Student intends to apply for Revaluation shall do so within 4 days of receiving the photocopy of the Answer Script.
  • Fee for Revaluation shall be remitted to the college office, the fee receipt and photocopy of the Mark Statement shall be enclosed along with the filled in Application.
  • Student failing in one or more Course/s and wish to apply for Revaluation and Supplementary Examination are advised to appear for Supplementary Examination, without waiting for Revaluation results.
  • If the marks obtained in Revaluation are higher than the marks awarded earlier, office of COE will issue revised Marks Statement.
  • If marks obtained in revaluation are less than or equal to the marks awarded earlier, the previous marks and results shall hold good.
  • Fees remitted towards Revaluation, will neither be refunded nor adjusted towards any fee current or in future.


After the declaration of the results of the final semester, a student who has only one arrear paper in any semester can apply by the specified date, for Supplementary Examination, either for reappearance or for improvement. This facility is available only for those students who have not obtained a ‘’Pass’’ due to arrear in one paper or want to improve performance in one paper. The examination will be conducted and results published within a month of the first publication of the result.


The facility to improve one’s performance in any paper(s) is offered to all the students. A student, who wishes to improve his/ her performance in any paper(s), may apply for the examination in the same, if the examination is conducted in that paper(s) during that particular semester/ Supplementary Examination. This provision is available till the Supplementary Examination after the final semester examination. Students are permitted to improve their performance in SE in the subsequent semester, if desired. Besides, all UG students can have their semester papers revalued by paying a nominal fee.


A candidate shall be declared to have passed in a course if he / she secures:

For Undergraduate Course For Postgraduate Course
40% and above in the ESE. If a candidate fails in any paper, he/ she shall be required to appear only for the ESE in the respective paper 50% and above in the ESE. If a candidate fails in any paper, he/ she shall be required to appear only for the ESE in the respective paper.


The facility to improve one’s performance in any paper(s) is offered to all the students. A student, who wishes to improve his/ her performance in any paper(s), may apply for the examination in the same, if the examination is conducted in that paper(s) during that particular semester/ Supplementary Examination. This provision is available till the Supplementary Examination after the final semester examination. Students are permitted to improve their performance in SE in the subsequent semester, if desired. Besides, all UG students can have their semester papers revalued by paying a nominal fee.

  1. When the tabulation of an examination is completed, the COE shall convene a meeting with all head of the departments.
  2. The COE shall give statistics of the results of pass percentage to all heads in the meeting. If the paper result is < 30%, the concern subject Head not satisfied, he/ she has the right to ask for revaluation.
  3. The Chairman of the departments have right to recommend 5% moderation of marks.
  4. It shall be competent for the pass board to decide on the moderation of marks to normalize the results in comparison to the result of previous years with sufficient justification.
  5. Special conditions, if any, for the award of moderation, such as class moderation, moderation to attain a specified percentage of marks, in cases of marginal deficiencies, etc. should be unambiguously recorded.
  6. The COE shall submit the results to the Chief controller (Principal) for approval.
  7. The results are announced with all details i.e. whole pass, subject wise pass, Grades etc..,


The final approved result of the examination shall be published. A list of candidates who have secured the first three ranks in each branch of examination shall be published along with the final result for the courses.


All candidates who have appeared for an examination conducted by the college shall be issued a computerized consolidated statement of marks irrespective of the result of the examination.


Once the marks of CIA and ESE for each course are available, they shall be added and the marks thus obtained shall be converted into a relevant Letter Grade, Grade Point as per the classification given below for UG and PG courses:


The entire process of calculating the final marks shall be automated using appropriate computer programs. The printed Provisional Certificate and Degree certificate (Convocation) will be bearing with the signature of the Controller of examinations of Parent University.



UG - 40% 100%
PG - 50% 100%



Theory 25 75 100
Practical 25 75 100
Project (UG) 25 75 100
Project (PG) - 100 100
Internship - 100 100
Extension Activities - 100 100



90-100 9.0-10.0 O Outstanding
80-89 8.0-8.9 D+ Excellent
75-79 7.5-7.9 D Distinction
70-74 7.0-7.4 A+ Very Good
60-69 6.0-6.9 A Good
50-59 5.0-5.9 B Average
40-49 4.0-4.9 C(UG)/U*(PG) Satisfactory(UG)/Re-Appear*(PG)
00-39 0.0 U Re-Appear
Absent 0.0 AAA Absent

*Applicable to PG Course only



Based on the grades obtained by a candidate, the Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated as follows

GPA = Σ (C x GP) / Σc


C = Credit for the academic subjects registered

GP = Grade point, as per the grade conversion table,for the letter grade obtained by the candidate for the subject.

Σ = is the sum for all the academic subject successfully cleared during the particular semester

GPA: The Grade Point Average is the GPA for the subjects registered in a current Examination



I Language (Tamil or other language) -
II English -
III Core, Allied & Elective Core & Electives
IV Non Major, Skill Based, Environmental Studies, Value Education & Project Open Elective-Non Major, Skill based subject, Human Rights, Internship & Project
V Extension Activities & Certification courses -
Read By
Verified By

Minutes - Examination Committee

# Title Year Preview
1 Examination Committee 2024-2025 Preview
2 Examination Committee 2024-2025 Preview

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