National Assessment and Accreditation Council

# Title Preview
1 IIQA Preview
2 Undertaking Preview

CRITERIA – I : Curricular Aspects

1.1.1. The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery

# Title Preview
1 Master Time Table Preview
2 Lesson Plan Preview
3 CIA Time Table Preview
4 Internal Marks Preview

1.2.1. Number of Add on /Certificate/Value added programs & 1.2.2. Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs

Academic Year : 2021 – 2022

# Title Preview
1 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-1 Preview
2 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-2 Preview

Academic Year : 2020 – 2021

# Title Preview
1 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-1 Preview
2 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-2 Preview
3 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-3 Preview

Academic Year : 2019 – 2020

# Title Preview
1 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-1 Preview
2 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-2 Preview
3 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-3 Preview
4 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-4 Preview

Academic Year : 2018 – 2019

# Title Preview
1 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-1 Preview
2 Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add-on/Value added programs : Part-2 Preview

1.3.2. Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Preview

1.4.1. Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Preview
2 Academic Year : 2020 – 2021 Preview
3 Academic Year : 2019 – 2020 Preview
4 Academic Year : 2018 – 2019 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2017 – 2018 Preview

CRITERIA – II : Teaching – Learning and Evaluation

2.1.1. Enrolment percentage

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Preview
2 Academic Year : 2020 – 2021 Preview
3 Academic Year : 2018 - 2019 & 2019 – 2020 Preview
4 Academic Year : 2017 – 2018 Preview

2.1.2. Percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories

# Title Preview
1 Sanctioned Seats Preview
2 TN Guidelines for Admissions Preview
3 Community Wise Student Name List Preview
# Title Preview
2.3.1. Student centric methods Preview
2.4.1. Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts Preview
2.4.2. Percentage of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D. Preview
2.6.1. Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes Preview

CRITERIA – III : Research, Innovations and Extension

# Title Preview
3.2.2. Number of workshops/seminars/conferences Preview
3.3.1. Number of research papers published per teacher Preview
3.4.2. Awards and recognitions received for extension activities Preview
3.4.3. Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution Preview
3.5.1. The number of MoUs, collaborations/linkages Preview

CRITERIA – IV : Infrastructure and Learning Resources

# Title Preview
4.1.1. Infrastructure and physical facilities Preview
4.2.1. Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) Preview

CRITERIA – V : Student Support and Progression

5.1.1. Percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships.

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Preview
2 Academic Year : 2020 – 2021 Preview
3 Academic Year : 2019 – 2020 Preview
4 Academic Year : 2018 – 2019 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2017 – 2018 Preview

5.1.2. Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Preview
2 Academic Year : 2020 – 2021 Preview
3 Academic Year : 2019 – 2020 Preview
4 Academic Year : 2018 – 2019 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2017 – 2018 Preview
# Title Preview
5.1.3. Percentage of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations Preview

5.2.1. Details of students placed

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Part 1 Preview
2 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Part 2 Preview
3 Academic Year : 2020 – 2021 Preview
4 Academic Year : 2019 – 2020 Part 1 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2019 – 2020 Part 2 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2018 – 2019 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2017 – 2018 Preview

5.2.1. Details of students progressing to higher education

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Preview
2 Academic Year : 2020 – 2021 Preview
3 Academic Year : 2019 – 2020 Preview
4 Academic Year : 2018 – 2019 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2017 – 2018 Preview

5.3.2. Average number of sports and cultural programs

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021 – 2022 Preview
3 Academic Year : 2019 – 2020 Preview
4 Academic Year : 2018 – 2019 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2017 – 2018 Preview

CRITERIA – VI : Governance, Leadership and Management

# Title Preview
6.1.1. & 6.2.1. 6.1.1. The governance and leadership is in accordance with vision and mission of the institution & 6.2.1 The functioning of the institutional bodies Preview
6.2.2. Implementation of e-governance Preview

6.3.1. The institution has effective welfare measures

# Title Preview
1 Leave, Advance, Corona Insurance Preview
2 Group Insurance 2021-2022, 2020-2021 Preview
3 Group Insurance 2021-2022, 2020-2021 Preview
4 Group Insurance 2018-2019 Preview
5 Group Insurance 2017-2018 Preview
6 Student Fee Concession Preview
# Title Preview
6.3.2. Percentage of teachers provided with financial support Preview

6.3.3. Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in FDP

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year : 2021-2022 Preview
2 Academic Year : 2020-2021 Preview
3 Academic Year : 2019-2020 Preview
4 Academic Year : 2018-2019 Preview
5 Academic Year : 2017-2018 Preview
# Title Preview
6.5.1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly Preview

6.5.2. Quality assurance initiatives of the institution

# Title Preview
1 Collaboration Initiatives Preview
2 Participation NIRF Preview
3 Self Appraisal Form Preview

CRITERIA – VII : Institutional Values and Best Practices

# Title Preview
7.1.3. Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution. Preview
7.2.1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly Preview
7.3.1 Distinctiveness of the Institution Preview

Extended Profile

1.1. Number of students year wise during the last five years

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year 2021-2022 Preview
2 Academic Year 2020-2021 Preview
3 Academic Year 2019-2020 Preview
4 Academic Year 2018-2019 Preview
5 Academic Year 2017-2018 Preview

2.1. Number of teaching staff / full time teachers during the last five years (Without repeat count)

# Title Preview
1 Academic Year 2021-2022 Preview

2.2. Number of teaching staff / full time teachers year wise during the last five years

# Title Preview
1 Proof Preview

3.1. Expenditure excluding salary component year wise during the last five years

# Title Preview
1 Proof Preview
# Title Preview
1 1.2.1 & 1.2.2 – Proof Preview
2 1.3.2 – Proof Preview
3 1.4.1 – Proof Preview
# Title Preview
1 2.1.1 – Proof Preview
2 2.1.2 – Proof Preview
3 2.2.1 – Proof Preview
4 2.4.1 – Proof Preview
5 2.4.2 – Proof Preview
6 2.6.2 – Proof – Proof Preview
# Title Preview
1 3.2.2 – Proof Preview
2 3.3.1 – Proof Preview
3 3.3.1 – Proof Preview
4 3.3.2 – Proof Preview
5 3.4.3 – Proof Preview
6 3.5.1 – Proof Preview
# Title Preview
1 4.1.2 – Proof Preview
2 4.3.2 – Proof Preview
3 4.4.1 – Proof Preview
# Title Preview
1 5.1.1 – Proof Preview
2 5.1.2
2.1 Link to event in HEI’s website Preview
2.2 Academic Year 2021-2022 Preview
2.3 Academic Year 2020-2021 Preview
2.4 Academic Year 2019-2020 Preview
2.5 Academic Year 2018-2019 Preview
2.6 Academic Year 2017-2018 Preview
3 5.1.3 – Proof Preview
4 5.1.4 – Proof Preview
5 Policy on zero tolerance
5.1 5.2.1 – Proof Preview
5.2 5.2.2 – Proof Preview
5.3 5.3.1 – Proof Preview
5.4 5.3.2 – Proof Preview
# Title Preview
1 6.2.2 – Proof Preview
2 6.3.2 -Proof Preview
3 6.3.3 – Proof Preview
4 6.5.2- Proof Preview
# Title Preview
1 7.1.2 – Proof Preview
2 Geo Tagged Photos Preview
3 Video Part1 Preview
4 Video Part2 Preview
1 7.1.3 – Proof Preview
2 Geo Tagged Photos Preview
3 Video Part1 Preview
4 Video Part2 Preview
5 Video Part3 Preview

# Title Preview
1 SSR- Cycle2 Preview

# Title Preview
1 NAAC Certificate Preview