Discipline Committee



The College Discipline Committee is constituted for the maintenance of discipline in the college. Hence education should bring the moral, ethical values of well being, platform to learners and should strive hard to bring in the core human values in the process of learning./p>


The committee mainly focuses on:

  • Solving students’ related issues and creating a secured environment in the college.

  • Making the students aware about the disciplines, rules and instructions to follow.

  • Taking disciplinary action against any of the misbehavior.

  • To ensure calm and peaceful academic atmosphere in the campus.

  • To avoid physical confrontation among students.

Responsibilities of Discipline Committee:

  • To ensure quiet and peaceful academic atmosphere in the campus.

  • To avoid physical conflict among students.

  • To ensure all the students wear ID Cards while they are entering the campus.

  • To prohibit cell phone usage by the students in the Campus.

  • To monitor the movement of the students in the college and prevent students loitering around in the corridor during the class hours.

  • To prevent the students leaving the college early without prior permission from the Head of the Department.

  • To prohibit Smoking, Alcohols and Narcotics strictly in the college campus.

  • To maintain proper discipline in the college canteen.

  • To support the college anti-ragging committee in preventing ragging in the College.

Specific Behavioral Guidelines:

  • It is impermissible to let the students enter the classrooms before 9.00 am.

  • It is impermissible to bring cellular phones to the college premises. For urgent calls, students can contact their parents through the class coordinator.

  • It is not allowed for any student to leave the classroom without taking permission from the teacher.

  • After breaks, students must go directly to their classrooms.

  • If the subject teacher does not reach his class on time or is absent, students must inform it to the Head of the Department.

  • Resting, napping or sleeping is not allowed inside the classroom.

  • Homework assignments must be done as assigned on time.

  • Students are not allowed to touch or keep dangerous or harmful objects.

  • Students respect other’s feelings – no teasing, name calling, swearing, etc.

  • Students- respect other’s person – no rough play, fighting, bullying, threats, harassing, etc.

  • Students– respect other’s property – no theft, vandalism, etc.

  • Keep your college clean just as you would keep your house clean.

  • Throw rubbish in the bin, keep the place clean always.

Classroom Rules:

  • Arrive to class on time with the necessary equipment.

  • Listen to teachers or other students without interruption.

  • Complete all assignments on time.

  • Treat the teacher and other students with respect.

  • Keep hands and feet to yourself.

  • Respect the property of the college.

  • Respect the rights and property of others.

  • Act in a safe and responsible manner.

Dress Code:

  • Girls should put up the hairs neatly.

  • The wearing of leggings is not permitted.

  • Short trousers are not permitted.

  • Boys must keep their pants pulled up and use a belt if necessary. Pants are not to be dragging on the ground. Undershirts are to be tucked in at all times.

Mobile Policy:

  • Mobiles are prohibited within the college premises.

  • Parents should discourage their children from bringing mobile phones to college.

  • If a student is found using a mobile phone, for any purpose, the phone will be confiscated from the pupil.

  • As a general rule, students are not allowed to use the college telephones except for emergencies. To use the telephone, students should request permission from the class coordinator.>

Disciplinary Committee’s Announcement:

  • Please follow K.M.G College of Arts and Science’s rules and regulations all the time.

  • Please encourage discipline and the noble attitude among students.

  • Please inform students to avoid talking to the opposite gender.

  • Please inform students that it is prohibited to use mobile phones inside the college campus.

  • Please ensure students are dressed as per the college mandate.

  • Please give counseling to students with suicidal thoughts (depressed).

  • Please ensure that students commuting by two-wheelers wear Helmet.

  • Please ensure boys follow government instructions on hair style, earrings, bracelet, etc.,

  • Please ensure that boys avoid big mustache, beard, and coloring of hair.

  • Please ensure that girls avoid wearing tight dress to college.

Action Taken:

Acceptable disciplinary actions like (i) Verbal warning (ii) Written reprimand (iii) Suspension are taken by the committee.

  • A Verbal warning is given in a timely manner by the co-ordinator when he first perceives and confirms unacceptable performance, behavior by the students

  • A Written reprimand is administered and documented by the committee co-ordinator. It will become a part of students’ permanent record.

  • The Head of the Department or the co-ordinator may recommend the suspension of a student to the Principal. Suspension will be for a period of no less than a week.

Discipline Committee MEMBERS:

Dr. J. Jayakumar, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

Co-ordinator - Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil

Club Member

All the Faculty Members