Blood Donor’s Club

Vision of the Club:

To foster a culture of compassion and responsibility towards the community by promoting regular blood donation and raising awareness about the importance of voluntary blood donation .

Mission of the Club:

To organize regular blood donation drives within the college campus and in collaboration with local blood banks to ensure an adequate and timely supply of blood for those in need. To educate students and staff about the significance of voluntary blood donation, dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding the process."

Objectives of the Club:

  • Provide safe and quality blood to the public who are needed
  • Ensure safety and quality
  • Motivate and Maintain a permanent well indexed record of voluntary blood donars
  • Educating the community on the beneficial aspects of blood donation and harmful effect of collecting blood from paid donors.
  • Actively encourage voluntary blood donation and gradually eliminate professional blood donors.

Functions of the club:

  • organize the service

  • To maintain cleanliness in and around the campus.

  • Teaching and Training

  • work with a local blood centre to host a blood drive

  • The drive for members of the community.

Details of Staff Incharge:

Prof.K.ARUNA, MCA.,M.Phil.,

Co-ordinator-Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science.


Club Member-Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry.


# Title Year Preview
1 Academic Activities 2022-2023 Preview
2 Academic Activities 2023-2024 Preview
3 Academic Activities 2024-2025 Preview

105th Foundar's day Blood donation Camp Photos: