Anti Ragging Committee


Vision of the Club:

To fabricate a ragging free atmosphere by instilling the values of egalitarian values, lenience compassion, consideration and kindness the students can avow their gripe regarding any academic and non-academic issues within the campus through the grievance suggestion box.

Mission of the Club:

To generate an ambiance of discipline by scattering a lucid message that no act of ragging is allowed inside college premises and outside the campus to ensure strict mystery so that students loom without fear of any spiteful activity. We are committed to perpetuation the privileges and pride of folks while nurturing of communal respect and cooperation.


  • To keep a continuous watch and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence and recurrence.
  • To promptly and stringently deal with the incidents of ragging brought to our notice.
  • To generate an atmosphere of discipline by sending a clear message that no act of ragging shall be tolerated and any act of ragging shall not go unnoticed and unpunished.
  • To conduct an on-the-spot enquiry into any incident of ragging referred to it by the faculty or student or parent or guardian, as the case may be: and the enquiry report along with recommendations shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution for action.
  • To ensure the display of posters on Institution and Department Notice Boards and other prominent designated places.
  • To offer services of counseling and create awareness to the students.


The PEC shall consist of the following members:

# Name of the Staff Designation Contact No Position
1 Prof. Dr. M. Senthilraj Principal Chairperson
2 Dr. P.BHAVANI Assistant Professor 9487307383 Co-coordinator
3 MS.R.SANGEETHA Assistant Professor 9786771085 Member
4 MS.K.GANGHIMATHI Assistant Professor 9345514419 Member


  • Provides information about the Cell's objectives and mode of operation through the website.
  • Acknowledges and analyzes the grievances.
  • Seeks a solution through decision-making process.
  • To organize awareness Programmes on gender equity, human rights and dignity, moral and ethical values.
  • To prevent any form of Ragging on and off Campus.
  • Receive the complaints in writing from the concerned students and recommend to the Principal to initiate disciplinary action against the offender.
  • Punishments any student found guilty of Ragging on College Campus is liable to.


  • Organizing awareness programs
  • Anti-ragging committee meeting


(a) Before Admission

(I)The Admission and Registration Form at the time of registration for a semester will require two Affidavits, one signed by the students and the other signed by the parent.

Draft of the Affidavits required are given at:

  • Annexure I- Anti-Ragging Affidavit by the student
  • Annexure II- Anti-Ragging Affidavit by the Parent
  • (II)A student will not be admitted /registered until both the Affidavits mentioned above are submitted.

    (b) On Admission and Registration:

    (i) Every student at the time of Registration will be given a copy of this handbook outlining details of the Anti-Ragging Regulation for which he/she shall sign having received it, and its record will be maintained in the institution.

    (ii) This handbook has the necessary instructions to freshers on whom to contact in case of any ragging incident or an attempt at ragging. This includes the contact mobile numbers of the Institute Anti-Ragging quad members, Faculty Advisors and designated persons of the Institute Administration.


    This policy document shall be subject to periodic review and revision as necessary to ensure its efficiency and configuration with rigid necessities and best practices in ant-ragging. Proposed changes shall be measured by the ant ragging cell and approved by the appropriate authorities.


    The Anti-Ragging committee plays a decisive role in continuation the values of sprite, lucidity, and responsibility within K.M.G College of Arts and Science (Autonomous). Through its positive receptive approach to Anti-ragging. The ant ragging cell aims to encourage positive and broad campus environment where al members can flourish the contribution to the college’s mission and goals.

    Anti Ragging Committee

    # Title Year Preview
    1 Anti Ragging Committee 2023-2024 Preview
    2 Anti Ragging Committee 2024-2025 Preview