K.M.G. College of Arts and Science co-educational institution, recognized by UGC affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore. The college is accredited by NAAC with A Grade (2nd Cycle). We are in 24 th year our institution has blossomed into a premier teaching and research institution, attained Autonomous status from the Academic Year 2023-2024 onwards. A fully automated exclusive office for Controller of Examinations (CoE) was established, which is a requisite to be an Autonomous institution.

Vision of the Department

The visions of the examination committee are:

  • To keep providing qualitative and reliable educational assessment
  • To keep encouraging students in getting academic excellence

Mission of the Department

To frame procedures and rules in order to maintain good quality & reasonable standards in the assessment.

  • To ensure that students participate in assessment process enthusiastically.
  • To evaluate that the ultimate objectives of the courses have been achieved


To encourage and train the students to follow the examination code of conduct and disciplinary rules, discourage & prevent aberrant behavior to ensure discipline & sanctity of the examination system.

Name : Dr.C.Dhandapani
Qualification : M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Designation : Principal & Chief Controller
Name : Mrs. P.Anjugam
Qualification : M.C.A.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,
Designation : Controller of Examination
Name : Mr. K.Hari
Qualification : M.Sc.,
Designation : Deputy Controller of Examination
Name : Mr. I.M.Faheem Ahamed
Qualification : M.Com.,M.Phil.,
Designation : Deputy Controller of Examination
Name : Mr. M.Dhinakaran
Qualification : BCA.,
Designation : Assistant
Name : Mrs. M.Thilagavathy
Qualification :
Designation : Assistant
Name : Mrs. Girija
Qualification :
Designation : Junior Assistant
Name : Mrs. S.Meena
Qualification :
Designation : Junior Assistant
Name : Mr. C.Muthukumaraswamy
Qualification : M.Com (CA)
Designation : Accounts Assistant

Rules For Students:

  1. Students should come fully prepared and take their examinations seriously.
  2. Students can enter the hall only 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination. They can be allowed to enter the hall only up to 30 minutes from the commencement of the examinations.
  3. Students should keep their belongings that are not required for examinations, outside the hall (or) at the place specified by the college authorities, at their own risk.
  4. Students can carry materials like pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, calculator, etc.
  5. Students should bring their ID card and Hall Ticket for Examinations. No Student will be allowed to enter the examination hall, half an hour after the commencement of the examination.
  6. No student can receive the question paper before taking his/her assigned seat in the examination hall.
  7. Students are prohibited from bringing/carrying into the examination hall, any book, cell phone, Smart watch or portion of a book, manuscript or any matter of any description. Any communication with another is subject to severe punishment.
  8. No paper other than the question paper should be taken out of the Examination Hall.
  9. Students, indulging in malpractice, will be dealt with as per the directives of the College, Thiruvalluvar University and State Government.
  10. The Fees once paid, will not be refunded or carried over to the subsequent examinations.
  11. After paying the college fees only, Students can pay their exam fees and get their hall ticket.

  1. Invigilation work is a part of the duty of all teaching staff members. No change or alternate arrangement for doing the invigilation work, without the approval of the chief superintendent.
  2. The invigilators are requested to be present 45 minutes before the commencement of examination.
  3. Incriminating materials including mobile phone, other gadgets are not permitted inside the hall.
  4. The invigilators must verify the identity of students, check their register number in their hall tickets and in the answer book and then sign in the column provided for the invigilators.
  5. The invigilators must also get the signature of the candidates present in the examination hall in the Attendance sheet supplied.
  6. The attendance should be closed and Attendance sheets submitted after half hour of starting of the examination.
  7. The additional books must be signed by the invigilators as and when they are given to the students (CIA).
  8. The invigilators should not attend to any other work in the examination hall. They must be on the move in the examination hall and see that there is no malpractice by the student.
  9. Any malpractice or copying by the students must be immediately reported to the Chief Superintendent with the material and evidence.
  10. The invigilators must collect the answer books as and when the students complete the examination, arrange them and hand them over to the Observer. He must wait till answer papers are checked and received by the Observer.
  11. The members of the staff who are availing leave in case of emergency/medical grounds during examination days are requested to inform the Chief Superintendent.
  12. Any problem / grievances during examination may be represented to examination committee.

  1. The Observer shall reach the college one hour before the commencement of the Examination and contact the COE.
  2. The Observer shall check all arrangements and take essential measures in consultation with the COE.
  3. The Observer shall follow all instructions of the COE/Chief Superintendent.
  4. The Observer MUST BE PRESENT when opening the question paper packets and checking the seal, date, etc. The sealed packets are opened only in the presence of the Observer, Chief Superintendent, COE, and Hall Superintendent.
  5. The Observer shall ascertain the intactness of Question paper packets, and he has to sign on the Question paper cover with the time and date and verify the Question paper packets with the Time Table. If any discrepancy is found, it should be brought immediately to the notice of the COE/Chief Superintendent.
  6. The Observer shall inspect all examination halls during frequent intervals and see that no student indulges in any type of Malpractice.
  7. In the event of Malpractice, the Observer must immediately record the Malpractice case and inform the COE /Chief-Superintendent.
  8. The Observer shall assist the COE in scrutinizing answer books at the closure of the Examination. He should ensure that the answer books are kept inside the packets and sealed with cellophane tapes in his presence. He has to affix his signature along with the facsimile of the Chief Superintendent.
  9. In case of any serious lapses, the Observer shall at once bring the matter to the notice of the COE / Chief Superintendent.

# Title Year Preview
1 Theory Examinations Timetable - UG/PG Courses 2024-2025 Preview

# Title Year Preview
1 SEM-I Exam Fee Circular 2024-2025 Preview
2 Nov 2024 Practical Exam 2024-2025 Preview
3 Revaluation Circular 2024-2025 Preview
4 Sem-II Exam Fees Circular & Payment Steps 2024-2025 Preview