Internal Complaints Committee



The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted as per UGC Prevention, Prohibition and Redressed of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Regulations, 2021.

The above regulations are based on the Government of India’s Sexual Harassment of Women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressed) Act of arts and science, (Autonomous) and constituted an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) for maintaining healthy and safe environment for girls and women employees in the campus.

The Policy of the Committee:

The female student experiencing sexual harassment inside the college campus including hostel, may approach the committee with her complaint. The committee will take up the issue without any delay and bring it to the notice of the head of the institution.Remedial and punitive measures to be undertaken will be suggested by the committee.

Vision :

Our vision is to create an educational environment free from sexual harassment, discrimination, and gender-based violence, where the rights and dignity of every individual are respected and upheld.


Our mission is to prevent and address incidents of sexual harassment through education, awareness, and effective redressed mechanisms, in compliance with the UGC regulations and relevant laws.


The objectives of the Internal Complaints Committee are as follows:

  • To encourage the students to express their grievances/ problems freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized.
  • To provide a safe and confidential platform for reporting and addressing complaints of sexual harassment.
  • To ensure prompt and impartial investigation of complaints, respecting the principles of natural justice and due process.
  • To provide support and assistance to complaints, respondents, and witnesses throughout the complaint resolution process.
  • To recommend appropriate remedial measures, disciplinary actions, and preventive measures to address instances of sexual harassment and prevent recurrence
  • To promote awareness and sensitization on issues related to sexual harassment prevention and redressed among all members of the college community.


The Integral Complaints Committee shall be constituted in accordance with the UGC regulations and shall consist of the following members:

# Name Designation Position
1 Smt.R. Thilagavathy Ex- Chairman (Gudiyatham Municipality) Chair Person
2 Ms. L.Anbarasi Advocate External Member
3 Prof. D.Venda Assistant Professor(Maths) Co-ordinator
4 Dr. D.Aswini Assistant Professor(English) Member
5 Prof. C.Kavitha Assistant Professor(Microbiology) Member
6 Prof. R.ThendralArasi Assistant Professor(Maths) Member
7 Prof. K.Gandhimathi Assistant Professor(Chemistry) Member
8 Prof. V.Gayathri Assistant Professor(BBA) Membern
9 Prof. R.Sangeetha Assistant Professor(Tamil) Member
10 Prof. D.Vijayalakshmi Assistant Professor(BCA) Member
11 Prof. K.Aruna Assistant Professor (Computer science) Member
12 Prof. D.Thenmozhi Assistant Professor(Commerce) Member
13 Prof. R.Sangeetha Assistant Professor (Biochemistry) Member
14 Prof. K Sri Lakshmi Assistant Professor(Commerce CA) Member
15 Ms. R.Jayanthi Administrator Member
16 Mrs. M. Jayanthi Administrator Member
17 Ms. M.Menaka (II-M.A.English) Student representative Student
18 Ms. S.Sarala (II-B.Sc.,Maths) Student representative Student


The functions of the Internal Complaints Committee shall include but are not limited to, the following:

  • Receiving, registering, and investigating complaints of sexual harassment in accordance with the UGC regulation and the college’s policies and procedures.
  • Conducting impartial and through investigations into complaints, maintaining confidentiality and privacy for all parties involved.
  • Offering support, guidance, and counselling services to complaints, respondents, and witnesses throughout the complaint resolution process.
  • Recommending appropriate remedial measures, disciplinary actions, and preventive measures based on the findings of the investigation and the UGC regulations.
  • Conducting awareness programs on sexual harassment preventions and redressal for all members of the college community.


The procedures for filling, processing, and resolving complaints of sexual harassment shall be in accordance with the UGC regulations and the college’s policies and procedures.

  • Procedure for filing a complaint with the ICC Sexual Harassment complaints must be hand-written or typed on paper.
  • The nature of the complaint, as well as dates and locations, should be fully specified.
  • Conducting timely and impartial investigations into complaints, respecting the rights of all parties involved.
  • Offering opportunities for mediation, conciliation, or informal resolution of complaints where appropriate and with the consent of the parties involved.
  • Issuing written decisions or recommendations based on the findings of the investigations and the UGC regulations.
  • Providing avenues for appeal or review of decisions in accordance with the UGC regulations and the college’s policies and procedures.

Review and Revision :

The policy document shall be subject to periodic review and revision as necessary to ensure compliance with the UGC regulations and the evolving needs of the college community. Proposed changes shall be considered by the Internal Complaints Committee and approved by the appropriate authorities.


The policy document shall be subject to periodic review and revision as necessary to ensure compliance with the UGC regulations and the evolving needs of the college community. Proposed changes shall be considered by the Internal Complaints Committee and approved by the appropriate authorities.

Minutes - Internal Complaints Committee:

# Title Year Preview
1 Activities of ICC 2021-2022 Preview
2 Activities of ICC 2022-2023 Preview
3 Minutes of Metting 2023-2024 Preview
4 Minutes of Metting 2023-2024 Preview
5 Minutes of Metting 2023-2024 Preview
6 Policy Document of ICC 2024-2025 Preview
7 Minutes of Metting 2024-2025 Preview
2 Activities of ICC 2024-2025 Preview