Prayer Committee


“Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.” “It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without heart.” “Whether we realize it or not, prayer is the encounter of God’s thirst with ours.

Our college Prayer starts daily with Tamil thai vazlthu followed by daily news,daily Thoughts in Tamil & English. Moreover if any programme is occurring in that day it is also announced in the prayer. Daily prayer ends with National Anthem.


  • Our college begins everyday with prayer, as a token of spirituality to almighty, daily prayer was conducted in presence of our Honourable Principal, one department was held responsible to conduct prayer from Day order I to Day order VI.

  • Prayer starts at 9:50am with Tamil Thai Vazlthu. Students from department concern was assigned different task. A student will recite a thirukkural and explain its meaning. Another student will deliver the thought for the day followed by NEWS. Daily important National / International / Sports was read.

  • To make students aware about technology, recent innovations made worldwide was also announced. Programs conducted by various departments, clubs and committees on the day were announced in Today Events task.

  • To honour our National leaders, Scientist adventurist and those who made innumerable records in their field, their birthday was also announced in the prayer.

  • To make students learn different words and their meanings daily five words with their meaning in English and Tamil language was prepared by concern Tutor-in-charge writes those vocabulary in the greenboard.

  • As a final event, students who made achievement in Fine-Arts, Sports, Off-campus also staffs and students who attended Seminar, Conferences were honoured in the prayer by announcing and distribute their prizes and certificates.

  • Daily prayer ends with National Anthem.


  1. Every student is expected to be regular and punctual in attending the college prayer at 9.50 AM.

  2. All students assemble at the auditorium and begin their day with a prayer.

  3. Students are expected to remain in standing posture in the campus during the time of the prayer.

  4. The Morning session begins with assembly in which all the students and staff members are expected to join. Students are to move class wise in a queue.

  5. Maintain a low voice level while entering and exiting the assembly area

  6. Follow Tutors or presenter directions.

  7. Clap, talk and cheer only at appropriate times (Positive cheer only)

  8. During the college assembly students have to observe proper decorum and solemnity befitting the occasion.

  9. Politeness and courtesy of speech and good conduct are expected from the pupil.

  10. All students must be dressed neatly. Wearing the ID is compulsory. Students coming to college in untidy, dress/hair etc., will be refused entry to college.

  11. Do not lie on the floor or lean on classmates.

  12. Students should avoid leaving during the meeting or showing their approval or disapproval in a noisy manner.

  13. The main role of the class reps is to gather their peers for assembly.

This is followed by morning activity

  1. Tamil Thai Vazthu

  2. Thirukkural

  3. Thought for the day

  4. News reading

  5. Recent Innovation

  6. Today Events

  7. Special about the day

  8. Announcement

  9. Vocabulary

  10. National anthem


  • To develop unity among all the students and teachers and creating an environment of college unity.

  • To connect with you true self and god through Morning Prayer.

  • To impart discipline in the lifestyle of students.

  • To develop in students about the sense of identity in the college and encourage college spirit.

  • To share information, inform the students about daily activities and programs more clearly, and make important announcements.

  • To ensure cleanliness and personal hygiene.

  • To motivate the students with appreciation, rewards, and accolades on performing well in academics and curricular activities.

  • To motivate expression and overcome self-consciousness.

  • To develop an aesthetic sense.

  • To give an insight into experiential moments with anecdotes and stories and co-curricular activities.

  • To introduce physical exercises into the lifestyle of students.

  • To develop a spirit of patriotism.

  • To provide a solemn occasion.p>

  • To inculcate public speaking skills.

  • To cultivate self-confidence and motivation in students.

  • To develop correct audience habits.

  • To familiarize the students with the common rules and ideals of the colleg


Prof. V. Ramesh

Co-Ordinator,Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil

Prof. K. Divya

Member,Assistant Professor, Department of English


# Title Year Preview
1 Academic Activities 2022-2023 Preview
2 Academic Activities 2023-2024 Preview
3 Academic Activities 2024-2025 Preview