Vision of the Club:

To be the most effective and trusted institution in this rural area to improve the lives of patients with humanitarian concern and thereby making a man whole by rendering service wholeheartedly.

Mission of the Club:

To perform a critical role in healthcare by providing a safe collection of different blood groups and also to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times, all forms of humanitarian activities so that human sufferings are minimized, alleviated and even prevented.

Youth Red Cross:

“Youth Red Cross” is one of the wings of Indian Red Cross Society. It is a movement that organized at the college level. This is for students between 18 and 25 years of age. A qualified Lecturer is recognized as the leader. He is called the Programme Officer under whose guidance, the students are trained and encouraged to manage the affairs of the group, electing their own Office-Bearers.

Objectives of Youth Red Cross:

  • To make them understand and accept civic responsibilities, and act accordingly with humanitarian concern.

  • To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.

  • To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.

  • Encourage community service through training and education

  • Disseminate the seven fundamental principles of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement through activities that encourage the Red Cross ideals.

Aims of Youth Red Cross:

  • Having a work-shop for YRC volunteers to enlighten their knowledge in first-aid and rescue steps in emergency..

  • Plan to organize a blood donation camps.

  • planed conduct awareness programme for AIDS, Non-communicable disease like diabetes, COPD, etc.,

Functions of YRC:

  • To conduct programme under the following areas

  • Promotion of Health and Hygiene Service to others

  • National Integration

  • World Friendliness

  • Organize demonstration of fire fighting in consultation with fire station near the college.

  • Render help and assistance to the needy and meritorious handicap students and orphans.

  • Tree plantation and forestation.

  • Visit Anganvadi, Orphanage, Schools for the blind, institution for the physically handicapped with gifts

Details of Staff Incharge :

Prof.G.Raghu varman, M.Sc., M.Phil.,

YRC Programme officer - Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry


# Title Year Preview
1 Academic Activities 2019-2020 Preview
2 Academic Activities 2020-2021 Preview
3 Academic Activities 2021-2022 Preview
4 Academic Activities 2022-2023 Preview
5 Academic Activities 2023-2024 Preview
6 Academic Activities 2024-2025 Preview