ICT Tools

Today, it is essential for the students to learn and master the latest technologies in order to be corporate ready. As a consequence, teachers are combining technology with traditional mode of instruction to engage students in long term learning. College uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of education. The following tools are used by the Institute

ICT Tools:

  1. Projectors
  2. Desktop and Laptops- Arranged at Computer Lab, internet lab and staff rooms all over the campus.
  3. Printers- They are installed at Labs and prominent places.
  4. Photocopier machines – Multifunction printers are available at all prominent places in the institute.
  5. Scanners- Multifunction printers are available at prominent places
  6. Seminar Rooms
  7. Smart Board- Four smart board is installed in the campus
  8. Auditorium- It is digitally equipped with mike, projector, cameras and computer system
  9. Online Classes through Microsoft Team which is used to manage and post course related information like learning material, quizzes, assignments, etc.
  10. PowerPoint presentations- Faculties are encouraged to use power-point presentations in their teaching by using LCD’s and projectors. They are also equipped by digital library, online search engines and websites to prepare effective presentations.
  11. MOOC Platform – NPTEL
  12. Digital Library resources -Inflibnet
  13. Online quiz


Projector in Seminar Hall


Projector in Microbiology Lab

Computer Lab

Internet Laboratory