Academic Year 2022-2023

Event 1:

Topic: Book Exhibition
Date:   29.08.2022 and 30.08.2022
Venue: KMG Auditorium


Event 2:
Topic: State Level Conference on “Role of Knowledge centres in Teaching, Learning and Research”
Date: 19.10.2022
Venue: Seminar Hall

Event 3:

Topic: 46th Chennai International Book Fair
Date:   19.01.2023
On the Financial Assistance of the Management, under the guidance of the Principal Dr. M. Senthilraj the students of the K.M.G. College of Arts and Science, Gudiyattam Participated the international Book Fair held at Chennai on 19.01.2023. College Librarian Mr. K. Paranthaman Convened this program.

Event 4:


Dept. of library and information Resource centre conducted library orientation programme for first year students, the Librarian Mr.K.Paranthaman explained about library, types of library, library services how to access the E-resources for (Inflibnet) N-List, NDL (National Digital Library of India), facilities and general rules to the students.

Event 5:


The National Library day was celebrated on 12.08.2022 in the Commemoration of Late. K.M.Govindarasanar, founder of KMG Group of Institutions Gudiyattam and Padmashree Dr.S.R.Ranganathan, father of Indian Library science. A portrait of Dr S.R.Ranganathan was unveiled by our respected principal Dr.M.Senthilraj. Mr.K.Paranthaman, college Librarian delivered a special talk on padmashree S.R.Ranganathan and his biography. The Teaching faculties and students of our college participated and benefitted. The program ends with distribution of sweets.

Event  6:


A State Level Conference on “Role of Knowledge Centres in Teaching, Learning and Research” was held on 19-10-2022 (Wednesday). It was organised by the department of Library. Dr.P.Vinayagamoorthy, University Librarian of Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore, has delivered a speech on “Methods of Encouraging Reading Habits” followed by Dr.N.Abdul Latheef , Librarian Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi has delivered a talk on  “Technology for Teaching , Learning & Research”. More than 200 students and Professors from various colleges were participated and benefitted.

Event 7:

Department of Library Organized National Level Webinar on “Emerging Library Technology Trends” on 31.08.2021.

Dr.K.Kumaresan, Librarian, Muthurangam Govt Arts College, Vellore, Dr. R.Sankaralingam, Librarian, Government Arts College, Kumbakonam, acted as Resource persons and delivered a lecture on this topic through Zoom cloud meeting Application.

Staff members and students from various colleges were participated and benefitted by this Webinar. Nearly 181 members and 153 members received their E-certificate.

Event 8:

Library orientation Program and NLIST,NDLI, E-Resources for communication on 20.10.2021

New students may have no idea about how to access E-resources and  data bases, search for books. Students are more likely to remember how to use the library resources if they are  allowed to “Practice” searching the database and book collections. A “hands on” activity should include:

  • A visit with your class to the library
  • A librarian demonstrating how to access data bases and search for books
  • Opportunity for the students to search for a professional journal, article and a book pertaining to the career they will be pursuing during their library visit
  • Instruction during class about citations and the bibliography page.